Welcome to the Los Altos Police Department

The Los Altos Police Department is committed to delivering fair and impartial policing services to the community of Los Altos and the community at large. We value the sanctity of life and liberty. We strive to provide excellent customer service at every level and contact.
We hold dear the tenets of the constitution of the State of California and the constitution of the United States of America. We are dedicated to implementing and adhering to equitable policies and practices that increase transparency and accountability.
The women and men of the Los Altos Police Department believe in serving all with compassion and civility.
Interested in joining our team? We are recruiting!
- Police Officer - Academy Graduate
- Police Officer - Lateral
- Police Officer Trainee
- Communications Officer
- Part-Time Public Safety Dispatcher
Take a moment and familiarize yourself with what we have to offer. We have streamlined many services that were once manual processes, and have added a lot of valuable content and information for you.
Looking for a particular service? Check out How Can We Help? or the FAQs for many frequently asked police-related questions. Our complete menu is to the left and below we have added quick links to our more popular topics.
- [NEW] Flock Safety.com - Security Camera Registry
- Share your Compliment or Concern
- Make a Traffic or Parking Complaint
- Find, Pay or Appeal your Parking Citation
- Make a Municipal Code Complaint
- Request a Copy of a Police Report
- Property & Evidence - Lost & Found Inquiries
- Going Away on Vacation?
- View Police Activity at CityProtect.com